Title: No Where Else I’d Rather Be
Rating: PG-13
Author: Sxymami0909
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Jo
Word Count: 1,170
Prompt: Long drive in the fog beyond_wonder
Verse: This is a drabble in my ‘Happy Endings’ Verse
Jo sighed as Dean passed the same sign for the third time. It was late and they were an hour late to meet Sam and Madison. “Dean just pull over at the gas station and we’ll just ride out the rest of the storm there.”
He grunted. “This is not a storm. It’s fog. A bunch of god damned, thick assed fog.”
She rolled her eyes and huffed. “Fog that you managed to get us lost in when we were only going two towns over. Stop being so damn stubborn. Just pull over.”