Title: Secret Keeper
Rating: PG-13
Author: Sxymami0909
Fandom: Supernatural-tag to 5x10 (AAH)
Pairing: Castiel, Jo
Word Count: 660
Song: “Headstrong” Trapt
Castiel watched bewilderment on his face as Jo left Dean leaning against the kitchen counter and came back to the table he was currently sitting at, beer in her hand. He caught sight of the elder Winchester’s face and beneath the shock that registered at being turned down was pain, regret, and even a hint respect for the young woman before him.
He had never seen Dean look at a woman that way before and it made him wonder what made Jo Harvelle so special. He turned his head toward the blonde and studied her as she brought the beer to her lips, liquid spilling into her mouth and down her throat.
She was certainly attractive. Castiel could think of few whose features were more pleasing, but it had to be more than that. Dean rarely if ever went home with an unattractive woman. So there must be something else, something to make her stand out.
A throat clearing startled him out of his thoughts. Jo raised an eyebrow at the Angel who was staring at her intently, smirk on her lips.
“Somthin’ I can help you with Cas?”
“No, yes…I am unsure.”
She chuckled lightly.
“I can see that.”
Castiel caught Dean watching them out of the corner of his eye before moving into the other room with Sam and Bobby. He leaned over the table, arms knocking over a couple of the shot glasses from earlier as he spoke in a low voice.
“I am contemplating as to why you have turned down Dean’s invitation for company this evening.”
Jo gaped at the inquisitive Angel. Well that was a question she certainly hadn’t expected. She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything he continued almost as if he were speaking aloud to himself.
“It is obvious he means something to you and he looks at you differently then I have ever seen him look at a woman before yet you do not wish to spend what very well could be our last night on this earth with him. Why?”
Jo sat there watching Castiel. Trying to figure out if he was for real or if this was some weird scheme Dean had cooked up, but all she saw on his face was sincerity. She sighed moving forward slightly, voice soft.
“If I tell you a secret can you keep it?”
Castiel frowned.
“You would like to confide in me?”
She grinned.
“That’s what friends do.”
“We are friends?”
“We’ve gotten to know each other pretty well over the last three days and you’ve been drinking with me and my mom for the past three hours…So yeah, I’d like to think we’re friends.”
Castiel felt something shift in his chest that he didn’t understand as warmth filled him a smile forming on his face.
“Then yes, I will guard your secret with my life.”
“I could take him up on his offer. I could take the easy way out, but I don’t want Dean to want me because it’s the end of the world. I want him to want me…just because. I won’t give everything away. This is a fantasy for him. I want reality…you know?”
Castiel gazed into Jo’s eyes and he felt as if he could see into her soul. She was headstrong and if anyone could take on Dean Winchester it was her. The answer came to him as if he’d known it all along. That was why she was special. Dean wanted a partner in life, an equal. When he looked at her that was what he saw.
He smiled.
“Yes, I understand.”
Jo grinned, leaned back in her seat and nodded before taking another sip of her beer. As he gazed at the hopeful woman in front of him it was the first time he prayed their plan would work for more than just the good of mankind. As warriors of God, Dean Winchester and Joanna Harvelle deserved to have that chance.
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