Rating: R
Author: Reportergirl13
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam, Castiel, Dean
Word Count: 820
Prompt: I was listening to ‘Storm’ by Lifehouse and this just happened. *shrugs* Who the hell knows.
Sam stood in the empty living room, eyes closed as he searched for an answer that would help them, anything that would fix his fractured family. He’d never seen two people more disheartened.
Sam walked toward the front of Bobby’s house and glanced out the window next to the front door. He watched as Castiel stood silently, head raised toward the sky, a look of discontent covering his face. Sam sighed.
He’d been like that for two days now, ever since Michael killed Anna with a touch of his hand. The Angel hadn’t moved, not once in two days, not even during last night’s rain storm.
When he’d gone out there earlier, Castiel acted as if nothing was wrong, but it was times like this when Castiel thought he was alone, that the truth would show on his face. Sam turned away from the window, the expression of lost hope on his friends face too much to bear.
When the Angel, who had an infallible faith in God and his plan for the world finally threw in the towel did that mean it was time to give up? Or was this when they needed to hold on the tightest?
Sam walked back into the living room and through the kitchen. When he reached the back door he stopped, took a deep breath, and glanced out of it.
Dean stood in the middle of Bobby’s junk yard leaning against the impala, beer in hand. Even from where he stood Sam could see the tension in his brother’s stance, red-rimmed eyes and his chest tightened.
Dean didn’t deserve this life. Through all the hunts, fights, and battles Dean had never once faltered from their path as hunters. Sure at times he’d questioned things, gotten angry, basically told the Angels to shove it.
But he’d always believed that they’d get revenge, that they could win this war…until now. He could see the fight giving out in his brother ever since those hell hounds killed Jo, teeth tearing at her flesh until they hit bone.
He’d been operating on auto drive ever since that day. Hunt, fight, kill…hunt, fight, kill. It was like a mantra, a never ending cycle. Going through the motions without ever truly caring what he was doing. He wouldn’t talk about it, but Sam was pretty sure losing her chipped off the last fragment that had held his brother’s composure together.
He was drowning as the world went to hell around them, and it killed Sam inside a little more each day knowing there wasn’t anything he could do to fix it.
When he’d gone out there earlier, he acted as if nothing was wrong, the way he always did, but it was times like this when Dean thought he was alone, that the truth would show on his face. Sam turned away from the window, the expression of defeat on Dean’s face too much to bear.
When his brother who had infallible determination, strength, and believed in the ability to make a difference in the world finally threw in the towel, did that mean it was time to give up? Or was this when they needed to hold on the tightest?
Sam moved back into the living room and once again closed his eyes basking in the silence of the room. He hadn’t received any great answers that would magically fix their problems, but as he stood there he realized he didn’t need them.
He’d always been religious even as a child and if Castiel’s faith was broken that was okay because he had enough for the both of them. He was raised to be independent and to believe that there wasn’t anything he couldn’t face.
Though when he was younger he used those qualities for school and relationships, to gain a normal life…now well, he wasn’t that person anymore.
If Dean’s determination, his will, was broken that was okay because he had enough for both of them. For years his brother had been taking care of him, looking out for him and now it was his turn to return the favor.
Aside from Bobby, Dean and Castiel were all he had left and Sam would be damned if he lost them. Not after everything they’d been through together. Maybe this had been his answer all along, finding the strength to keep fighting.
It had been there all along, he’d just had to look inside himself to his core, his soul. A soul he did not plan on handing over to Lucifer, a soul that had been bruised, beaten, and bloodied, but a soul that was his and his alone.
Wrecked emotions and loss of hope, his family would fight beside him, because that’s what they did, no matter what. So let the apocalypse come because he had faith, he had determination, he had will and not a damn thing would take that from him. Not even the devil.
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